15 februarie 2008

Asa ceva nu exista

Think Geek, inventatorii, spun:

Buy one of these glowing shirts for yourself, and gift one to your significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, fembot 2000...). During your normal activities two and a half pixelated hearts will light up on your shirt. Hey... you're depressed and in need of a recharge. But get within hugging distance of your significant other wearing the matching shirt and suddenly the hearts on both of your shirts start to light up until you're fully powered up. Go too far astray from the source of your affections and you'll drop back down to two and a half hearts again. Got it?

2 februarie 2008


Nu radeti, titlul reprezinta numele obiectului in limba daneza. Henriette Melchiorsen a realizat pentru Menu vaza in culori funky. Este de cauciuc! Prin Bodie and Fou cea mica - 12cm inaltime - costa 14,95 lire sterline, iar cea mare - 18,5cm inaltime - costa 19,95 lire sterline. Galbene, roz, lime etc, etc, etc...

28 ianuarie 2008


Scaun pentru doi, unl mai mic decat celalalt. De gasit la Child Child Chair. Si facut de http://www.maartjesteenkamp.nl. Cute.

16 ianuarie 2008


Primul lucru pe anul nou - sau ultimul pe anul vechi: calendar pe 2008. Iata un calendar foarte frumos, ce se joaca cu fonturi, facut si vandut de niste oameni care se pricep. Calendarul apartine Linotype si costa 9,1 euro (livreaza si in Romania, cu tot cu taxe ajunge la 38 de euro). Pe site-ul Linotype se vand si fonturi. Minunate. Iar celor pasionati va recomand un blog foarte activ si bine documentat: ilovetypography.